Boys at the table with electronic tablet

What is autism or autism spectrum disorder?

Below are links to a variety of credible websites that can help answer your questions. If you have a website recommendation that you would like to share, please email us the link.

abstract painting

What is Autism

Autism is a lifelong neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the way the brain works. While there is no cure for autism, people’s symptoms, abilities and experiences can improve over time with the help of evidence-based therapies and interventions.

Symptoms usually appear at an early age. People with autism may experience difficulties with:

  • social communication
  • social interaction
  • restricted or repetitive patterns of behaviours, interests or activities

People with autism will experience differences related to:

  • the number, type, and severity of symptoms
  • levels of functioning
  • age of first signs of autism
  • age of diagnosis
  • challenges associated with social situations

People with autism need different levels of support, depending on these factors.

Learn more about  Autism 

Resources about diagnosis

Ontario Autism Program

Learn about the Ontario Autism Program and support for children with autism. Find out how to register for the program and get information about funding and service options. Visit Ontario Autism Program.

  • Autism Ontario is one of the largest collective voices representing the autism community. Members are connected through a volunteer network of chapters throughout the Province of Ontario.
  • Autism Speaks Canada along with Autism Speaks, is the world’s leading autism science organization. Together with Autism Speaks, over $200 million has been invested in scientific research, $9 million in Canada. Autism Speaks Canada is committed to supporting research and services across the country; raising public awareness to encourage inclusion; and collaborating with other organizations to speak alongside the autism community. Their website offers a wealth of information on issues related to autism including recent scientific studies and an extensive resource guide. See What is Autism for a detailed overview of autism spectrum disorders.
  • Autism Navigator is a unique collection of web-based tools and courses that uses extensive video footage to bridge the gap between science and community practice. Designed to help parents and professionals learn more about early red flags and diagnostic features of ASD. You can access over 100 video clips free of charge but you must sign up first.
  • Autism Society Canada/Société canadianne de l’autisme Autism Society Canada (ASC) is a national incorporated non-profit charitable organization. It was founded in 1976 by a group of parents committed to advocacy, public education, information and referral, and support for its regional societies.
  • Autism Awareness Centre Inc.’s vision is to provide Canadian Families and professionals with information and education, which will affect positive change in the lives of those diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
  • Autism Today is a leading online magazine and information center where people can find the latest news and connect with professionals and resources.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is a credible online source for facts and up to date news about autism.
  • The First Words Projects is a U.S. national non-profit organization dedicated to educating parents about your babies early communication development.
  • LD@home is for parents, students and families dealing with leaning disabilities (LDs). LD@home knows that living with LDs can have it’s challenges, but here you’ll find support from experts and their team, as well as inspirational stories to help guide you on your journey.
  • Ministry of Education Ontario provides Questions and Answers about students with autism.
  • Geneva Centre for Autism in Toronto has information on various courses they offer, reference material and of course lots of links.
  • Treatment & Education of Autistic and related Communication handicapped Children TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and Communication related handicapped CHildren) is an evidence-based service, training, and research program for individuals of all ages and skill levels with autism spectrum disorders.
  • Autism and Dental Care is an online guide to help families and individuals with their oral health treatment including tips for dental visits. This is a US site but includes some helpful information.


Updated: September  2022

Contact us

Phone: 519-966-7283
Email: Office Administrator
Summer Program Coordinator
Fund Development

Autism Services Incorporated
3640 Wells Street,
Windsor, Ontario N9C 1T9

Pour les services en Francais, veuillez contacter Autism Services Inc. a: 519-966-7283. Merci!