На первом матче в домашнем стадионе Санкт-Петербурга Аршавин забил гол в ворота «Терека» и зажег трибуны. Многие ждали крупных результатов от Аршавина,

Help us celebrate Autism Awareness Month by joining us for any or all of the special events we have planned. Tuesday, April 1st: Charity Pasta Dinner and Bake Sale at the Moose Lodge, 777 Tecumseh Rd. W., from 4pm to 7pm. Tickets $10 available at the door. Live music and bake sa

Contact us

Phone: 519-966-7283
Email: Office Administrator
Summer Program Coordinator
Fund Development

Autism Services Incorporated
3640 Wells Street,
Windsor, Ontario N9C 1T9

Pour les services en Francais, veuillez contacter Autism Services Inc. a: 519-966-7283. Merci!